Stone Throwing 101

In our world of politics for the sake of politics and joining groups we "believe in" more-so because we want to fit in than because we actually believe, it gets pretty silly sometimes.  We all have disagreements and, quite frankly, the world would be a very boring place if everyone shared the same views.

One thing that I think we often miss (myself included) is that we get overly emotional when those disagreements pop up and we never take the time to ask, "why?"  "What exactly do they believe that makes them disagree with my viewpoint."  "Why is there perspective different than mine?"

By asking these few simple questions, it not only allows us to look at opposing viewpoints a little more objectively, but it also allows us to be sure that we understand our perspective.

In a world of hasty decision making, let's slow down and try to understand why the disagreement exists before we start throwing stones.

Are you steering?


Take your time