How to fold a map
Seriously? No one knows how to fold a map, so let's move on to better things...
Have you ever thought of mapping out every foot step that you take in a day? Tracking everywhere you go? When I think about it, it makes me realize just how inefficient and unplanned my day is. Sure, I plan, but I seem to plan on too small of a scale. My plan doesn't often represent the most efficient way to travel throughout my day.
And, if I planned with my entire week in mind, I could make each of my days very efficient. But, what would happen if I had a map laid out for my long-term goals?
In other words, how efficient could I be if I really took the time to map out my life?
Where are you going? And, do you have a map to get there? Draw a picture... draw your map to where you want to go.