Is it time to burn the ships?
During ancient battles, some generals would gather their men onto mighty ships, sail those ships filled with men to the land that they wanted to conquer, unload the men onto the shore... and burn the ships. This scenario left the men with only two options: Conquer or be conquered.
I'm normally a fan of having an escape route. It just makes sense. And I'm sure those ships would've come in handy a time or two. But, the generals' knew something that many of us overlook. We're capable of amazing things when we're forced to be. When we're forced to be. When we're forced to perform without a net.
Have you started your journey toward a goal? Toward a real, heartfelt, live-changing goal? Are you keeping those safety nets around just in case?
If your goal is worth going after, be bold. Be courageous. And figure out if it's time to burn the ships.
I'm normally a fan of having an escape route. It just makes sense. And I'm sure those ships would've come in handy a time or two. But, the generals' knew something that many of us overlook. We're capable of amazing things when we're forced to be. When we're forced to be. When we're forced to perform without a net.
Have you started your journey toward a goal? Toward a real, heartfelt, live-changing goal? Are you keeping those safety nets around just in case?
If your goal is worth going after, be bold. Be courageous. And figure out if it's time to burn the ships.