Tools are so (not) helpful

I'm so glad that I don't have to type this blog on a typewriter, make copies on a ditto machine, track down all of your addresses, go to the post office to buy stamps... I think you get the idea.

Tools are great, but there is a danger.  Tools can't think for us.  Just because I can type this blog on my computer and distribute it across the entire world in minutes, doesn't mean that I'm good at it.  It still takes the same amount of creative energy as it would if I were using a typewriter.  It still takes the same amount of prep work.  The only change is the implementation.

Be careful that you don't use tools as a replacement for creativity, but instead use them for what they were intended.  To get to the end result quicker... not better.

Inside or outside?


How do YOU define unacceptable?