Karma is dumb

This whole idea of karma bothers me.  The idea that the universe keeps score and then passes out rewards and punishments accordingly... it just sounds dumb.

It makes me wonder, if our world is based on karma, why do innocent men get sentenced to years in prison for something they didn't do?  Why do some people have to wake up and walk three hours to a nearly dry well to get life-sustaining water simply because of where they were born?  Why do crooked businessmen live a life of luxury for their entire life with no repercussions in this world?


How can one discount Christianity because they "can't understand how God would let bad things happen to good people," but they can believe in karma?  Christianity never claimed that life was fair.  It actually claims the exact opposite, that bad things will happen to good people.  Karma, on the other hand, exists on the assumption that all we do (good and bad) will come back to us.

Before we jump on the latest fad or into the latest trend, let's take the time to learn about it and understand it.  And most of all, see if it even makes sense.  And then we can draw our conclusions.

My conclusion is this: Karma is dumb.

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