3 Steps to Less Anxiety

What are you anxious about today?  We all have something, right?

I'm far from a pro at this, but here's what works best for me:
  1. Ask yourself what the worst case scenario is.
  2. Ask yourself what things would still be true if the worst case scenario occurred.  I usually think of this relationally.  Who is still going to be beside you when it all falls apart?
  3. Ask yourself what the probability of the worst case scenario occurring truly is.
I find that we often think irrationally in times of anxiety.  We lose sight of what is truly important, overestimate the likelihood of the worst case occurring and overempasize the actual consequences of the worst case scenario.

Anxious times are another example of when our mission statement could come in handy.  Find your foundation and anxiousness is less likely to shake you.

You don't need approval


Forget about the "No"