You're not in control

As much as I talk about taking control of your circumstances and steering your own life, I recently had several brutal reminders that we're not always in control of our lives.

From a friend that lost two loved ones in an instant, to three separate families that lost loved ones within hours of each other (one of which wasn't much older than myself), to a very close family member with a health scare, I wasn't in control.  From the horrible disease that took a child just months ago to the abused children across the nation, I'm not in control.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: when your world gets tossed in the turmoil of reality, you need to have a resting place.  That's what my faith is for me, a resting place (among other things).

It's humbling to realize how small we are.  And encouraging to realize how loved we are in spite of our smallness.

Find your resting place.  Find your solace.  And if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me.

Parking in the handicap spot


Science bothers me