3 (last minute) steps to a Merry Christmas

  1. Stop stressing.  It's too late.  It's not going to do you any good now.  The people that love you will enjoy your company enough that they don't care if your house is dusty.  The people that are visiting for the wrong reasons are going to find something wrong no matter what you do.  Cater to the first group; spread joy to the second.
  2. Don't focus on just making everyone else comfortable.  While it's important, you shouldn't miss out on a wonderful celebration.  The people that care about you want to enjoy it with you.
  3. Stop reading this and go find someone to share your time with.  It doesn't matter if it's a phone call, a letter, an email, a Facebook message or face-to-face.  Connect with someone today.

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That gift only matters if...