Why I love to play with Lego's

I was playing with Lego's last night.  I was supposed to be playing with the kids, but in reality I was playing with Lego's and they just happened to join me.

Lego's are in the running for the 8th Wonder of the Ancient World, in my opinion.  They are unique in their ability to allow a child to imagine anything in the world and then create a 3-D model of it.  The only limitation is in their mind.  As long as you have the pieces (which are fairly easy to come by) you can build anything.

We often lose sight of the fact that this is true in adult life too.  We limit ourselves by not imagining anything that we would want to build.  Or, we have a wonderful idea, but decide it's not worth trying to find all of the pieces to put it together.  Or, we don't want to run the risk of building something that may eventually just fall apart.  But one thing remains true.  The only thing holding us back from fulfilling our vision, our dream, is the limitation in our mind.

What limitations are you putting on yourself that aren't really there?  And more importantly, what are you going to do to change it?

The benefits of having pink eye


Did you sleep in?