3 Reasons to Not Care
There are tons of things that we care about... and tons of things that we don't. It's helpful to know when you should or shouldn't care. Here are my guidelines:
I don't care if:
I don't care if:
- It doesn't truly affect people. I don't care a whole lot when the 37th version of a smart phone is released. Your cell provider may care, but I have more important things to worry about... like my family, friends, job, life, community, etc.
- It's self-sustaining. I, thankfully, don't need to change my oil once a week. So, it's pretty self-sustaining between changes. Many things in our life are like this (think plumbing, electricity, etc.). However, we tend to assume that relationships are... they aren't!
- I can't do anything about it. There are some things in my life that I would love to change. Unfortunately, they're all in the past. If I can't change it, why care? Again, there are too many wonderful things to care about.