Are you not entertained?

The entertainment is the easy part.  We have at our disposable more entertainment options than there have been since the beginning of time.  It's extremely easy to be entertained.  While entertainment definitely has its purpose, it's not learning, it's not connecting, it's not building, it's not growing, it's not helping.

So, I challenge the parents out there with the same question that I challenge myself with:  Are you growing your children or just entertaining them?

Anyone can grab a child and take them to a park, put them in front of the TV, put a video game controller in their hand and sit back at watch.  It takes a bigger commitment to play along with them, to understand why they like the TV shows that they like and to go down the slide behind them at the park.  Entertainment just takes time and resources.  Growing your children takes love, interested and long-term commitment.

So, I'll ask you again.  Are you growing your children or just entertaining them?

[Before you all jump down my throat, I get it.  I know that as parents we all need a break sometimes (I know for sure that I do!).  I'm all for letting them run around at the park while I sit and breathe.  There's definite value there.  The danger is when we mistake that for growing our children.]

Fighting the cure


Video game focus