Guard rails and remote controls

They both do the same thing.  They keep things going in the right direction.  There is one major difference though.  A remote control is meant to continually correct the direction before anything goes wrong.  A guard rail is meant to allow a mistake but put you back on the right track.

As parents, I think we often act as remote controls trying to steer our kids through life, helping them to avoid every possible bump that life throws their way.  Remote controls keep our kids focused until we have to give up the remote.  But then they have no idea how to do life on their own.

Instead, I think we should try to be guard rails.  We should let our kids make some mistakes and when they get too far off track we can still bump them back on.  Guard rails allow them to feel their way along and get pointed in the right direction, with a little help, until eventually the rails aren't needed any more.

Put the remote control down and put up some rails for your kids!

The kids are sick


If their "payoff" is money...