They can say whatever they want

So our 6-year-old comes home from school the other day and she says that someone is "not being that nice sometimes."  It happens, right?  Kids call each other kids names.  They say your hair looks funny (which was the case this time).  They say your clothes aren't nice.  They say all kind of mean things.

Here's a little secret for my 6-year-old.  They can say whatever they want about you, but that doesn't make it true.

This advice goes for adults too.  When someone puts you down, tells you that you'll never make it, tells you that your idea is dumb or that your business idea will never work remember this: They can say whatever they want, but that doesn't mean it's true.

Keep your chin up.  Keep believing in yourself and doing the hard work to meet your goals.  And let them say whatever they want.  While they're putting you down, you can bring a smile to the rest of the world.


To My Valentine...


Why don't you care?