Why don't I have cancer?

I've seriously asked myself that question on several occasions.  The answer is always the same.

I have absolutely no idea.

We often think that we're entitled to a good life and that anything that disrupts that ideal is "bad luck."  What if we looked at it the other way?  What if each of us is entitled to a bad life and everything that distrupts that ideal is "good luck"?

What if every time your brakes work when you push the pedal, it's good luck?  What if every time your heart beats without you having a heart attack, it's good luck?  What if every day you don't lose your job, it's good luck?  Would that change your perspective?

We're often quick to blame bad luck when something goes wrong, but we're typically not so thankful for the thousands of little things that go right every day.  It's all a matter of perspective.

So, what went right today?

Dare I say it?


The bad part about anticipation