Did you put your glasses on this morning?
We found out last week that two of the three kids needed glasses. We probably should have realized before now, but... we didn't (don't judge me...). Several hundred dollars later, the kids have their "new eyes."
If only it were that easy for us to have a new view of the world around us. You know those days when you're tired and nothing seems to be going your way. Wouldn't it be great if you could just slap your glasses on your face and have an entirely new perspective?
We can do it; it's just a little harder. For us, it takes a desire to see the good things in life. It takes a trust that there is still good in the world. And most of all, it takes a commitment to doing the right thing regardless of what's going on around you. It's easier to see the good in the world if we're the ones initiating it. It's much harder to see when we're passively waiting for it to drop in our lap.
So when you get up in the morning, put your glasses on, then take a look at the world around you and tell me what opportunities you see. And if you're creating them, they'll be right in front of your face!
Have a great day!