He hates homework

I'm nerdy enough that I don't mind homework, but my 9-year-old believes that homework is a direct spawn of Satan himself.  He hates it.  He thinks it's dumb.  He thinks it's worthless.

As adults, we're often dealt "homework" also.  It comes to us by way of tough situations in life: Losing a job, losing a friend, getting a flat tire on a busy morning, a homeless person asking us for money when we have little of out own, etc.  Unfortunately for me, I often miss the point of this "adult" homework the same as my 9-year-old misses the points of his.

If we look at our tough situations as homework, as a chance to learn more about life and get better at it, those situations seem much more manageable.  So I have to ask, what home work have you been working on lately?  And what grade would you give yourself?

Don't buy it...


The kids are sick