I really dropped the ball

I had an opportunity this morning.  It would have been incredible.  It would have been something that I would have been proud to write about... but I really dropped the ball.

My day started with an early morning grocery run.  I pulled into the grocery store parking lot and across the lot was a woman that had apparently locked her keys in her car.  In the moment, as I stepped out of my truck, my mind raced: What could I do to help?  Would I be able to help and still get home in time to get ready for work?  I don't know how to get into a locked car.  How did she lock her keys in there in the first place?

So, I climb out of my truck... and walk directly into the grocery store.

I got what I needed and went back out to my truck.  On the way out, I noticed a man helping the lady.  Guess what?  He didn't know how to get into a locked car either... but he tried.

I'm embarrassed to tell this story because I put myself first when someone needed help.  After all of this blogging about doing the right thing and challenging yourself and the importance of trying, I didn't try at all.  I really dropped the ball.

But there's a lesson in it.  We don't have to have all of the answers when someone is hurting, down on their luck or locked out of their car.  We just need to be willing to help.  I wasn't.  If you know of someone (or see someone) that needs help today, please do what I chose not to do.  Be willing to help.

And, if by chance, that young lady is reading this, I should've helped you.  I should've tried.  I apologize.

Have a great day, everyone!

When you look back at this day in 6 months...


It will affect you whether you believe it or not