If I could only get out of the way
Adults take risks. Calculated risks. Mostly too calculated. It's human nature. It's a way to challenge ourselves and realize for a moment that we can push ourselves further.
So many times as a parent I am more concerned with protecting my kids than helping them grow and learn. Our kids (especially boys) need to take risks. We need to stop being so uptight and let them.
When they want to try riding their bike by themselves, let them fall.
When they try jumping over the creek, let them get wet.
When they are playing just a little too rough, let them play.
Our kids need to learn and grow on their own. If I could only get out of the way and let them!
So many times as a parent I am more concerned with protecting my kids than helping them grow and learn. Our kids (especially boys) need to take risks. We need to stop being so uptight and let them.
When they want to try riding their bike by themselves, let them fall.
When they try jumping over the creek, let them get wet.
When they are playing just a little too rough, let them play.
Our kids need to learn and grow on their own. If I could only get out of the way and let them!