If you've ever read my blog, please read this (and share)
Hello all,
I try not to ask for favors, but I feel like I have to today. If you've ever read (and enjoyed) my blog, please share this post (see share instructions below if you need help). It's the only way I know to get more subscribers.
First of all, thanks to those of you that have been reading my blog. I truly appreciate it. I've tried to make it as easy as possible for you to get my blog on a daily basis without being a nuisance. If you enjoy the blog, here are some easy ways to make sure you get it:
Thanks again to each of you and I'm thankful for your sharing.
Have a great day!
Sharing Instructions:
To share, just look at the icons below each post (see arrow) and choose where you want to share it. There are a lot of icons, but most of them are pretty easy to find. The Twitter, Facebook and Google+ icons are first on the list. Just click the icon and it takes care of the rest for you!
I try not to ask for favors, but I feel like I have to today. If you've ever read (and enjoyed) my blog, please share this post (see share instructions below if you need help). It's the only way I know to get more subscribers.
First of all, thanks to those of you that have been reading my blog. I truly appreciate it. I've tried to make it as easy as possible for you to get my blog on a daily basis without being a nuisance. If you enjoy the blog, here are some easy ways to make sure you get it:
- For many of you, subscribing via Twitter will be the easiest. You can follow @CrucifixMMA to get my blog there, but with Twitter being so busy it's very easy to miss since I only post each blog once.
- Second on the list is probably Facebook. That seems to be where most of you are reading from so far. You can send me a friend request or you can "Like" the Crucifix MMA page. Either way works for me (feel free to do both if you'd like).
- You can signup for the daily email if you'd like. It seems some people are moving away from email, but if it works for you it's very easy to do (if you've already signed up you don't need to do anything). You will only get one email from me each day. No more, no less. To do so, go here and look on the right side for the email subscription box.
- If you use a Kindle, you can subscribe to my blog that way. The downfall is that you have to pay for it. That's not my choice, but to make it available from Amazon, I have to play by their rules. It's also not available for the Kindle Fire yet. I'm still working on that.
- If any of you use an RSS reader, it's very simple. A very easy-to-use one that works well on your PC and mobile device is Google Reader. There are plenty more out there, but you can sign up by copying this link into your RSS reader: http://joshualayhue.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
- Lastly, you can always simply bookmark my blog site or set it as your home page if you'd like to do that.
Thanks again to each of you and I'm thankful for your sharing.
Have a great day!
Sharing Instructions:
To share, just look at the icons below each post (see arrow) and choose where you want to share it. There are a lot of icons, but most of them are pretty easy to find. The Twitter, Facebook and Google+ icons are first on the list. Just click the icon and it takes care of the rest for you!