To most of the world, it's just Thursday...
But for me and my family, it's different. It's more than a beautiful Thursday in late March. Today, March 22, is the anniversary of the day that a tremendously special person was born. Maybe a person that the world will remember forever, or maybe a person that much of the world will never know, but a person that has drastically changed the course of my life. For that I am forever grateful.
To most of the world, it's just Thursday, but for me it's a day to celebrate.
If only we would live each day of our lives like this. Like a celebration. There may not be a special birthday to celebrate today. Worse, you may have even gotten some bad news today. But today, this day, is a day that you will never get back.
So, while today is very special to me, you can make today special for you too. Try something you've never tried. Grow like you've never grown. Weep like you've never wept. Laugh like you've never laughed. Forget your worries. Help someone. Take a quiet walk. Meet someone new. Forget someone old. Smile. Choose to do something special today.
To most of the world, it's just Thursday... but to us, it can be incredible.
[[[[ Happy Birthday, Corie! ]]]
To most of the world, it's just Thursday, but for me it's a day to celebrate.
If only we would live each day of our lives like this. Like a celebration. There may not be a special birthday to celebrate today. Worse, you may have even gotten some bad news today. But today, this day, is a day that you will never get back.
So, while today is very special to me, you can make today special for you too. Try something you've never tried. Grow like you've never grown. Weep like you've never wept. Laugh like you've never laughed. Forget your worries. Help someone. Take a quiet walk. Meet someone new. Forget someone old. Smile. Choose to do something special today.
To most of the world, it's just Thursday... but to us, it can be incredible.
[[[[ Happy Birthday, Corie! ]]]