Are you bold enough to try this?
We have to stop the divide. Our nation seems to be falling into this trap of "us vs. them." Our communities are quickly following suit and it's ruining us.
Republicans vs. Democrats. Skilled vs. "unskilled" laborers (a term I hate). White collar vs. blue collar. Black vs. white. Natives vs. foreigners. Rich vs. poor. Educated vs. uneducated.
The bottom line is that we are all human. We are all flawed. We are all partially right and partially wrong. We all have strengths and weaknesses Until we can admit that, we arrogantly believe that we are better than the other group. Pride stops us from admitting that we're really all the same. We become stagnant in our thinking.
Put your pride aside. Admit that your "enemy" just may be right. It doesn't discount what you've done or who you are when you admit that you're wrong. In fact, it does the opposite. The person that has the boldness and confidence to admit that they are wrong is far more intelligent than the most educated of those that believes they are always right.
Republicans vs. Democrats. Skilled vs. "unskilled" laborers (a term I hate). White collar vs. blue collar. Black vs. white. Natives vs. foreigners. Rich vs. poor. Educated vs. uneducated.
The bottom line is that we are all human. We are all flawed. We are all partially right and partially wrong. We all have strengths and weaknesses Until we can admit that, we arrogantly believe that we are better than the other group. Pride stops us from admitting that we're really all the same. We become stagnant in our thinking.
Put your pride aside. Admit that your "enemy" just may be right. It doesn't discount what you've done or who you are when you admit that you're wrong. In fact, it does the opposite. The person that has the boldness and confidence to admit that they are wrong is far more intelligent than the most educated of those that believes they are always right.