How to ride the pine

Sitting the bench normally isn't fun.  Everyone wants to be in the game.  Everyone wants to participate.  But, let's face it.  We all have to ride the pine sometimes.  So, if we must do it, we might as well do it right.

I was on the bench this weekend when I watched an amazing person get baptized.  I wasn't in the game.  I was just on the sidelines, but it was at that moment that I realized how important the bench players are.

In sports, it's evidenced by cheering on your team, but in life it's often more than just cheering.

Maybe you're not the one that's stuck in a hospital bed, but you can be the one to show up just to let them know that you care.  Maybe you're not the spouse that lost your job, but you can be the one to build encouragement and self-confidence to pick themselves up and get back out there.  Maybe you're not the one that's lost in life and has no idea which way to turn, but you can be the person to grab their hand and lead them in the right direction.  Maybe you're not the one being baptized, but you can be the one to watch in awe as someone you love gets a brand new perspective on life and thank them for being a great example to you and your children.

Sometimes we're not in the game because we're not supposed to be in the game.  Sometimes we're meant to be riding the pine and seeing things from a different perspective, a perspective that can't be seen from the field.

Don't be disappointed that it's not your turn to play.  Just because you're not on the field, it doesn't mean that your role is unimportant.  Keep your head in the game and ride the pine with helpful eyes.

Oh, and Corie, thank you for being a great example to the kids and me.  We love you!

Good + Bad = ???


We have a plan and we need your help