Stop them from stealing

There's a guy begging for money along the interstate off-ramp near my house.  We've heard from credible sources that he actually has money and begs because it's easier than working.  But I don't want to focus on him.  Frankly, I don't know him, but I'm sure he's a hurting, desperate soul if he is doing what we've heard.

Here's my concern.  What about the men and women that are standing along the off-ramp that are at the end of their rope?  What about the ones that are so lost that the truly don't know where else to start?  Do we stop helping everyone for fear that we may be deceived?

The deceitful ones are few and far between.  The hurting are many.  And, quite frankly, money is not the answer for either one of them.  Instead of worrying about someone stealing your money by lying about how needy they are, ask their name and offer to bring them lunch.  Learn more about them to find out how you can truly help.

If you give enough times, you will be deceived.  Just don't let that deceit steal the love that's in your heart that caused you to give in the first place.


We have a plan and we need your help


The problem with milestones