Scheduling is difficult, but...
I've been trying to get to the gym more often. It's tough. The workout is hard, but scheduling the time to get there is even harder.
Most all of us are busy. It makes scheduling difficult, but defining your priorities should not be. For me, right now I have three main priorities.
(1) My faith: I need to continually work on improving in this area.
(2) My family: I need to continually work on improving in this area.
(3) My health: For now, I'm focused on getting to the gym more often and eating healthier.
You see, we can over-complicate and over-schedule all day long, but all of those schedules should be the result of your priorities, not the driving factor.
Set priorities first. Schedule second. If not, you'll find yourself being very busy but getting nowwhere.
Don't wait. Take a few minutes right now to define your list of priorities.
[Feel free to post your priorities in the comments section of this post so that others can see (and learn from) your ideas.]