Have you ever cheated in math class?

Most of us are aware that we've become too busy. A byproduct of busyness is not taking care of ourselves.

And then it gets even worse.

We forget how to take care of ourselves. We think watching another movie or home renovation show will help us relax and rejuvenate. We forget that getting to the gym is really the thing. We think that going to bed earlier... or staying up later and getting "me" time is the best way to take care of ourselves. But maybe it's a nightly bath before bed with some soothing music.

Have you thought much about what you really need?

Is it a gym membership that you'll actually use? Is it a deep dive into a good book? Is it some uninterrupted prayer time? Is it to disconnect from your TV for 14 days? Is it to leave the house without your phone strapped to your hip? (Pro Tip: You can survive in a car while your phone is at home.)

Part of the reason we never find it is because we never look. We just watch what everyone else is doing and copy them.

"You binge watch Netflix? I should too!"

"You are tied to your phone 24/7. I should be too!"

"You stay up late and work 16 hours a day. I should too!"

Copying someone else's answer is for math class. This is your life. You have to figure it out. And it probably won't look like anyone else's when you do it right.

If you're able, take 5 minutes right now and disconnect from the world. Then brainstorm some ideas on what it really means to take care of yourself.

Step 2. Go do those things.

Have a great day!

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