But what about the gray?

School kinda doesn’t work.

I mean, it kinda does… but it mostly doesn’t.

If I want to learn algebra, I can check out some YouTube videos. If my 3-year-old needs to learn to read, I can download an app. Want to learn about the American Revolution? Read one of the 16,000,000 Google results.

The thing is, all of this type of knowledge is black and white. There is a specific way to solve for X, to spell “cat” and only one date that the Declaration of Independence was signed. It’s all black and white.

But what about the gray?

What about knowing which college is right for you, or which car to buy or girl to marry or how much money to ask for to start your business? What about knowing which school to send your kids to or which assisted living to put your parents in? How we know which candidate to vote for? How about which job to take… or quit?

There’s just too much gray. In fact…

Every worthwhile decision in life is made somewhere between black and white.

So, what about the gray? What do we do when we find ourselves there?

We guess or we stagnate. I don’t HAVE to choose whom to marry, but if I don’t I will be single forever (not necessarily a bad thing). I don’t HAVE to choose which college to go to, but I may end up working at the gas station if I don’t (also not necessarily a bad thing).

A better solution is an educated guess. Research the schools, the business idea, the candidate. Learn as much as you can. And then guess.

Black and white is easy. Gray is scary. The few that choose to push through the scary and take an educated guess will fail more often, but they will also succeed.

You may be somewhere between black and white right now. I know I sure am. But today, I will make an educated guess. I will move forward and I encourage you to do the same!


Opting for Obstacles


Why I stopped tying my shoes