The content below is kept directly from the original product descriptions. For that reason, they are written in the present tense even though they are all currently deceased.

Project Name: The 30-Day Business

My friend Max and I are working on a 30 day business project. The goal is to create a profitable business in just 30 days. We are starting without an idea of what the product will be on Day 1 and we have a goal of generating at least $1,500 in revenue by day 30. We have some guidelines like: the business must always remain net positive, we must begin with $0 is startup capital, we can’t use crowdfunding or monetary investments of any kind, etc. You can see all of the guidelines here.

Update: This project ended in the summer of 2016. You can see the video archive here: The 30 Day Business

Project Name: Naked Leadership

I believe that entrepreneurs live a lot of their life on an island. In our area there are a lot of networking groups, but there aren’t a lot of deep discussions and – dare I say – support groups. The idea came from a blog post from Paul Graham entitled “How Not to Die.” The essence behind the blog post is that the greatest predictor for success/failure at Y-Combinator was showing up. When individuals stopped showing up to meetings and stopped responding to email, they failed. The successful companies just showed up more and interacted with the group. This is very much like the beginning of the 12-steps used in support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. Interestingly, my friend Andy and I had the same idea about this project at the same time. Mine stemmed from Paul Graham’s article. Andy’s came from his work with 12-steps programs. We met. We chatted. We started.

Update: Andy Kerr has continued with this project in an amazing fashion. Find out more here:


My current passion is helping local businesses understand how to convert their customers into a community. I believe several things to be true about local businesses and their role in a community:

Locally-owned businesses are critical in helping small and mid-sized cities (population<500,000) data-preserve-html-node="true" survive and thrive both economically and socially.

The primary purpose of local businesses is no longer selling products and services. Their primary role is to create a micro-community of customers that they truly care about and that care about them. It’s the only way to survive. Local businesses will never win the better, faster, cheaper game against Wal-Mart and Amazon. Local business owners are so busy with their day-to-day operations that they aren’t keeping up with quickly-changing modern marketing techniques and therefore not reaching their customers in the most effective manner.

Raising top-line revenue is the answer to most small-business financial issues.

Many local business owners need to get back the passion that they had when they started their business. Often this just takes thinking through the right questions.

These are the problems that I address through both consulting and building tangible assets such as websites, social media marketing campaigns, etc. via my web agency Feel free to contact me via email or text (814-580-8197) if you want to chat about how to grow your.

Update: has been upgraded as Ghost Creativ.

Project Name: Crucifix MMA

Crucifix MMA ia a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Christian-based clothing line. Just because we believe in Christianity doesn't mean we are soft. It doesn't mean we can't compete at the highest level. It does mean that we keep our composure and respect regardless of whether we win or lose. Here's a commercial that tells more.