Do you believe what you believe?

What do you believe?  Or, in a more grammatically incorrect way, what do you believe in?

We all believe in something.  We believe in God.  We believe in a friend.  We believe in science.  We believe that Steak 'n Shake has the best milkshakes ever.  Whatever it is, we all believe in something.

When is the last time you questioned what you believe?  Not in a cynical, self-centered kind of way, but in a brutally honest, skeptical kind of way.

We need to take a healthy approach to questioning the things we believe in.  We learn by asking questions and seeking out the answers.  So, before we discount someone's belief or blindly create our own beliefs based on someone else's, we need to take the time to question and learn.  That way we can be sure that we believe what we believe.

How high should I aim?


Don't keep quiet about this