Don't keep quiet about this

I read this story ( about the FDNY not being invited to the 9/11 Memorial this year... and, quite frankly I'm disappointed.  It made me think...

Does it feel good to be appreciated?  Of course it does.  Many studies also show that employees would sacrifice higher salaries for a feeling of being appreciated.  Yes, it's that important that we'll sacrifice money to hear someone say that we did well.

So, what stops us from showing appreciation?  We've all been in situations where someone has done something well and we neglect to thank them.  When you have a wonderful meal, do you ask your waiter to let the chef know how much you enjoyed it?  When you order a pizza in the middle of winter, do you truly thank the delivery driver that did exactly what you didn't feel like doing?  I know, I know... those are "services" that we pay for.

What about the person that does the grocery shopping in your house?  Or the one that cleans up the messes?  Or the one that goes to work every day?  Do you sincerely thank those people?

We sometimes forget the value of appreciative words and actions.  Don't be quiet about it.  Take some time to thank someone today. Sincerely tell them how much you appreciate the things that they do, big or small.


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