Are these two things the same?
We often look at other people's lives and wish and wonder what it would take for "us" to be like "them." I have good news for you. You already are like "them."
We look at our neighbor, our friend, the guy at church or our co-worker and think that they are living the good life. It appears that they "have it all pulled together." It's not true. They struggle. Things go wrong in their life too. It's all about perspective.
I once heard Stephen Furtick say (paraphrashing), we think we're failing because we're comparing our 'behind the scenese' to every else's 'highlight reel.'
We all have struggles, hard times, 'bad luck' and tough days. The struggles are different, but the emotions are the same. Don't wish to be in someone else's shoes. Yours fit just fine. And besides, you're good at being you!
We look at our neighbor, our friend, the guy at church or our co-worker and think that they are living the good life. It appears that they "have it all pulled together." It's not true. They struggle. Things go wrong in their life too. It's all about perspective.
I once heard Stephen Furtick say (paraphrashing), we think we're failing because we're comparing our 'behind the scenese' to every else's 'highlight reel.'
We all have struggles, hard times, 'bad luck' and tough days. The struggles are different, but the emotions are the same. Don't wish to be in someone else's shoes. Yours fit just fine. And besides, you're good at being you!