What if you just had one?

That special thing.

The thing you've always wanted.

For a sports fan, maybe it's a baseball signed by Babe Ruth or an Honus Wagner card.  Maybe it's your grandmother's ring that she left to you or a rare black pearl necklace.  Just imagine if you had one of those things with no chance of getting another.

It would be locked in a safe, never to be disturbed accept to brag to your friends or tell stories of past times.  You would value it.  You wouldn't take it for granted.  It wouldn't get boring.

The good news is that you do have something that valuable, that rare and that special.  But you'll take it for granted.  You won't cherish it as you should.  You'll forget the value of it.  You will if you're anything like me, at least.

I lose site of how valuable my life is and how important my time here is.  I forget how special it is that I was created to be in this very moment as I type this.  I will only get one chance to make today what it is meant to be.  If I miss it, I can try again tomorrow, but I will never get another today.

It's not by accident that you are where you are today.  You'll only be here once.  Don't take it for granted.  Live today and don't lose site of how rare it is.

Are these two things the same?


Better late than never