The art of being a dad

Alright, let's be honest ladies and gentlemen.  The art of being a guy is really getting lost in our society.

The art of being a dad seems all but gone.

As a guy, I'll be the first to admit that I've fallen short more times that I can recall.  But, in my failure there is the ability to get better.

Men, here are three things that we can start with:
  1. Be the leader: Both in our families and in our communities.  Stop telling your children what you want them to be and instead be the example that you want them to be.
  2. Be the provider:  I'm not talking (just) about providing for them financially.  We also need to provide love, strength, guidance, advice and solid fundamental truths to our families.  They depend on us for it.
  3. Be unselfish: This means sometimes we need to do things that we don't want to do. Sometimes we'll be tired. Sometimes we won't get recognition when we think we should. Tell your ego to shut up and just do the right thing.
Do I have all of these things nailed down?  Not even close!  I, like everyone else, am a work in progress.  The danger isn't in failing.  The danger comes when we stop working to get better.  Hang in there, men.  Your family is worth it.
[SIDE NOTE: You don't have to be a "dad" to implement these ideas.  We can be leaders and providers for friends, nieces, nephews, the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program, etc.  It's all about doing the right thing.]


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