My 9-year-old is smarter than me
He had chores to do last night. And in the midst of them, he figured out one of life's sweet victories.
Let's first agree that work (sometimes) stinks. You know that. I know that. He definitely knows that. But as he was vacuuming the house last night, he figured it out. He figured out the key to work. He made it fun! (In his case, "fun" was sticking the vacuum nozzle to his head and laughing hysterically.)
How many times as adults do we have something to do that we just don't feel like doing (dishes, home repairs, landscaping, etc.). Hating every second of those tasks only makes them last longer. I've found that out from experience.
Stop complaining about what you have to do and get creative. Figure out how to make your "work" into play and you'll have figured out the same thing my 9-year-old has. Just a word of advice: Be careful when you stick the vacuum nozzle to your head. I hear it can leave a nasty mark.
Let's first agree that work (sometimes) stinks. You know that. I know that. He definitely knows that. But as he was vacuuming the house last night, he figured it out. He figured out the key to work. He made it fun! (In his case, "fun" was sticking the vacuum nozzle to his head and laughing hysterically.)
How many times as adults do we have something to do that we just don't feel like doing (dishes, home repairs, landscaping, etc.). Hating every second of those tasks only makes them last longer. I've found that out from experience.
Stop complaining about what you have to do and get creative. Figure out how to make your "work" into play and you'll have figured out the same thing my 9-year-old has. Just a word of advice: Be careful when you stick the vacuum nozzle to your head. I hear it can leave a nasty mark.