20 ways to be an adult
- Put your phone down when you talk to people.
- Stop complaining. Kids complain. Adults problem solve.
- Stop talking about people behind their back, this isn't high school.
- Think before you speak and they'll be more likely to listen.
- Have civil conversations. Especially when you disagree.
- Care more about people than proving your point.
- Admit that you just might be on the wrong side of the issue.
- Plan your day before it starts.
- Be thankful for the small things.
- Get up early.
- Cut your fingernails. Biting them doesn't count.
- Read at least one book a year.
- Make it home for family dinner.
- Build something bigger than yourself.
- Do things that matter.
- Don't follow the crowd just so you can fit in.
- Take a walk by yourself with no phone.
- Also take a walk with a friend... and no phones.
- Become a better listener.
- Control what you can control.
Now if I could figure out how to do at least half of these on regular basis, I'd be doing okay. 😀