In support of the cynic

If you don't take a chance and fail once in awhile, who will they laugh at while watching from the sidelines?

If you don't become the best mom you can be by going against the status quo, who will they talk about in the school pick-up line?

If you don't raise your kids on Biblical principles instead of based on social norms, who will they make fun of on Saturday night while you're home laying out your church clothes?

If you don't speak up when you see injustice, how will they know which side to flip-flop to?

And if you don't speak the truth of who you are, how in the world will they know what to hate you for?

Cynics are everywhere. You might even be one yourself. But the cynics need support too. Here are some ways we can help:
  • Stay true to your beliefs even when people disagree with you.
  • Tell the truth, especially when it's unattractive.
  • Raise your kids against the status quo.
  • Keep your mouth shut and listen.
  • Try something new where you just might fail.
  • Put your hand up when volunteers are needed.
  • Try to change broken systems that have been around for way too long.
  • Don't argue your point, but instead be an example.
  • Don't fight back. Just do the thing that needs doing.
  • Stand up for those without the voice to do it themselves.
  • Be a better you tomorrow than you are today, even if it's unpopular.
You can never silence the critics. Actually, you shouldn't even try. Do that thing because it's the thing, not because someone told you that you couldn't.

If the cynics are weighing heavy on you, remember this: Cynics don't pick on the meaningless, the irrelevant or the insignificant. They only spend their time on the changemakers. So instead of listening to them, thank them for their input and keep changing the world.

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