The noisy killer of dreams
I ordered a pizza last night. Domino's has this amazing app that tells you when your pizza enters the oven, when it comes out, when the driver leaves the store, etc.
Ordering a pizza used to work like this:
Ordering a pizza used to work like this:
- Call the pizza place and order a pizza.
- Give them your address and directions if needed.
- Wait for the doorbell to ring.
- Pay for the pizza.
Technology has made things easier. Now it looks like this:
- Order the pizza with the app that already has your address information saved.
- Check the app alert to see that your order was received.
- Check the app alert to see that the pizza was placed in the oven.
- Check the app alert to see that the pizza was removed from the oven.
- Check the app alert to see that the pizza passed the quality assurance testing (yes, this is a real alert)
- Check the app alert to see that the driver has left the store with your pizza.
- Check the window repeatedly since you know the driver must be close.
- Sign the receipt for your pizza.
What was supposed to be simpler has actually created more interruptions. And, because we've come to expect interruptions in mass we haven't even noticed. It's not just pizza.
Email was created as a way to communicate that did not require you to be present and ultra-responsive. Now many of us have email alerts on our phone.
Texting falls into the same category.
Everyone is alerting us to everything. Do we really need to know that our favorite store has a special going on for the next 24 hours? We feel like we do because marketers have convinced us that we'll miss out and be left behind if not.
But let's talk truth for a minute.
Everyone says they're busy. Everyone says they want more time. If we truly want more time there's a REALLY easy way to do it. Turn ALL notifications off.
Simply put your phone in "Do Not Disturb" mode for hours at a time. Don't allow any desktop notifications on your computer (you can Google it if you need help). You can check email, text messages and anything else you feel is important on YOUR time... not "theirs".
Interruptions are killing our productivity. And we can't keep complaining that we don't have enough time if we are volunteering our attention to every single friend, family member, and marketer that wants it.
Take control of your time and intentionally protect your attention. I mean, it is yours after all.